Sunday, March 30, 2008

Indonesian Business Inspiration

I would like to begin this topic based on a new category I have started about traditional indonesian businesses; These are the grassroots of Indonesian Entrepreneurs.

I'd also like to show you how citizens of the 3rd world strive to survive under all conditions within our developing country as they do not have the option of the 9 to 5, as their only way to survive is to pursue their living through the entrepreneur route. I will throughout the time post some interesting topics about how these businessmen/women go about their business and how they've created a sustainable business for their future and family.

On today's topic, I'd like to show you some pictures I grabbed from google search of a several Indonesian traditional businesses called, "Pedagang Kaki Lima" - In meaning; Five Legged Entrepeneur.

As seen in the pictures below, they are considered; Five Legged Entrepreneur; due to them having 2 (two)legs and doing business on a 3 (three) wheel bike.

These businessmen/women stroll down the streets of Indonesia with a unique sound to attract buyers in offering many different businesses. They range from traditional foods to raw materials to even children's toys. These businessmen/women start their business and return home within any given time during the day and night.

These people are the grassroots of Indonesian Entrepreneurs. Maybe you can implemented these businesses in your part of the world? It can be quite lucrative. :-)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(Selling Traditional Noodles & Meatballs "Bakso")

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(Selling Fresh Cold Coconut Drinks - "to quench your thirst on a tropical climate")

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